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Система управления производственным планом для автоматического станка для зачистки проводов

This system can be used in conjunction with our fully-automatic wire stripping machine.


System configuration separate computer.

Main function:

1. Production plan import from Excel

2. Set multiple processing tasks with different parameters, select different processing parameters of one wire, issue processing tasks, and the machine will complete them one by one

3: Printing on labels or A4 paper from the optionally content of the order management plan

4. Optional functions can be managed together, like wire inkjet printing, copper wire twisting, and wire cooling.

This system can be used in conjunction with our fully-automatic wire stripping machine.

Technical Data

The main models:
Single-core wire stripping machine
SU-030, SU-070, SU-120,SU-150, SU-300, SU-450

Sheath cable multi-cores cable stripping machine
SM-R30, SM-R70, SM-R150


Cooperate with wire stripping machine to manage production orders


If you wish to have the datasheet of this or other products, you can let us know here: КОНТАКТ

Or email to [email protected], we will send you the machine introduction.

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