What is medical tubes?

In the intricate landscape of medical equipment, one vital component stands out for its versatility and importance: medical tubes. From intricate surgeries to routine patient care, medical tubes play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of healthcare operations.

Medical tubes come in a diverse array of types, each tailored to specific functions and medical procedures: catheters, intravenous (IV) Tubing, endotracheal tubes, gastrointestinal tubes, hemodialysis tubing and so on.

Main materials of medical tubes: silicone, PVC,  PU, PE. Most time they should be soft, that offer greater flexibility, allowing for easier insertion, maneuverability, and patient mobility. Soft, compliant tubes exhibit greater elasticity and resilience, minimizing the risk of tissue trauma or occlusion.

Medical tubes Cutting Points

Tolerance Control: Tight tolerance control is essential to ensure that the actual dimensions of the cut tubes

align closely with the specified tolerances. Variations beyond acceptable tolerances can compromise the functionality and reliability of medical tubes, leading to potential complications during use.

Minimal Burr Formation: Burr formation during cutting can adversely affect the quality and performance of medical tubes. Cutting processes should minimize burrs, ensuring smooth, clean edges that reduce the risk of tissue trauma, contamination, or obstruction when the tubes are inserted or manipulated in the body.

Flatness: Flatness in medical tubes refers to the even distribution of material along the tube’s circumference, resulting in consistent wall thickness.

How to cut medical tubes

Traditionally, medical tube cutting involved manual methods or generic cutting equipment that often fell short in terms of precision and versatility.
In order to meet the needs of customers, our company has continuously explored the universal tube cutting machine CB-U02 equipment. By upgrading the motor (controlling length accuracy) and developing catheters (ensuring a smooth cutting surface), we have met customers’ cutting requirements for medical tubes and provided A very cost-effective solution.

Below are the relevant cutting videos and cutting renderings.

CB-U02 Automatische Schneidemaschine für kleine Wellrohrschläuche